Rehab Express

Kickstart your injury management skills

What you will get

  • Help fix your clients’ low risk, niggling problems and aches and pains
  • Learn three quick Screening tests that may indicate an injury is “High Risk”
  • Receive and be taught techniques with the Rehab dowel, theraband and Posture Pro tools
  • Understand the 5 Main Muscle Imbalances that afflict the shoulder, knee/hip and low back
  • Learn how to blend new movements into functional patterns


Course Summary

In this course you will genuinely learn HOW TO help fix your clients’ low risk, niggling problems and aches and pains – that, let’s be honest, most clients and even Trainers themselves, have!

If you have never experienced how you could help all your clients with niggling aches and pains, you will be surprised at how they will rave to their friends about what you are doing to help them…

Keep clients on their fitness plans with less injury frustration!

You can easily help your injured clients without becoming a Physiotherapist or Medical Professional.

The key is the incredible “R+E+H+A+B” skill-set. It keeps you safe from making mistakes with injured areas, and yet gives you powerful tools to make a difference!

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions sheet here!

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover enough about HOW injuries are created to prevent many happening – understand the negative powers of  “Holding  Patterns”, asymmetry and muscle imbalance.
  • Learn three quick Screening tests that may indicate an injury is “High Risk” and needs referral to a physiotherapist as a high priority.
  • Understand the 5 Main Muscle Imbalances that afflict the shoulder, knee/hip and low back, setting clients up for injury, or turning them into chronic issues.
  • Receive and be taught techniques with the Posture Pro tool for “Turning Down” dominant areas of fascial tightness, muscular trigger points, and mobility barriers.
  • Use the simple “Movement Conductor” (short dowel) to retrain faulty movements and teach activation drills for inhibited muscles for each of the 5 main muscle imbalances.
  • Blend new movements into functional patterns, lifestyle, and set homework for your clients to keep them improving in their own time.

Accreditation Obtained

Participants who meet all course requirements will receive a Rehab Express certificate. This course is a precursor to the renowned Rehab Essentials course, which is delivered face-to-face over 3 days. Only the Rehab Essentials course certifies you to become an Accredited Rehab Trainer, not any other Rehab course including Rehab Express”. For more information on this course click here.

Continuing Education Credits

The course attracts 0.7 continuing education units (CEU’s) with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and 0.7 points with the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Fitness Australia awards 6  continuing education credits (CEC’s) for successful completion of the Rehab Express course.


This course is suitable for:

  • Sports Coaches (all sports)
  • Athletes
  • Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP’s)
  • Personal trainers
  • Gym instructors
  • Massage therapists
  • Physical educational teachers
  • Sports science & Exercise science students.

Intake Dates

You can enrol in the Rehab Express course at any time. There are no fixed start dates, however all course assessment requirements must be completed within 6 months.

Entry Requirements

Participants must be 16 years of age and over to attend the course

Completion Requirements

In order to gain the Rehab Express certificate, you are required to complete the following assessment tasks.


Pass an online knowledge check that includes a mix of multiple-choice & short answer questions.

Course Costs

The course cost is $437 AUD, which includes a Posture Pro, branded REHAB dowel and theratube for use with your clients & yourself.
